Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I think pacifists are weak and violence is wrong but I go limp for police and i fight when it's called for

Running away seems to be what I feel like doing lately.
Runnin' away to Lily's bed.

Peter Balakian, Black Dog of Fate
Doris Bergen, War and Genocide: A Concise History of the Holocaust, Rowman & Littlefield
Slavenka Drakulic, S.: A Novel about the Balkans, Penguin Books
Adam Jones, Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction,
Kazik, Memoirs of a Warsaw Ghetto Fighter,
Fergal Keane, Season of Blood: A Rwandan Journey,
Primo Levi, Survival in Auschwitz,
Donald L. Niewyk, The Holocaust: Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation, Houghton Mifflin
W. G. Sebald, Austerlitz, Modern Library
Art Spiegelman, Maus: A Survivor’s Tale: My Father Bleeds History/ Here My Troubles

Just like a lil snippet of my reading list for my six credit Honors course about Genocide. SOUNDS FUN. SEASON OF BLUDDDDD

I need to get laid
I need to clean my room
I need to make a to do list
Wilkes-barre bands invade Ny this weekend.
Then I invade philly the weekend after that
Then I invade W-b after after that.

All of my roomates are laying on my bed watching Romeo and Juliet.
Gotta join the party.

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